The Hero Looks in the Mirror

I’m not sure what it is about Louise Hay (d. 2017) that I like so much. Is it her simple advice? or the sound of her voice? Is it the feeling that she absolutely supports you as you listen to her speak?  Is it her full honesty about her life?

I recently listened to her “Empowering Women” compiled after she died and then read her book, Mirror Work.  Mirror Work totally kicked my butt.  You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to look in the mirror at myself and say, “I love you.  I really, really love you.” Try it for yourself.

The reason this work is critical is it aligns with the stage of the Hero’s Journey known as the Resurrection. This is the stage in which what has died is reborn or is significantly transformed. All of that work toward your goals (your Journey) will never come to fruition until YOU are changed.  The change in you is a necessary step on the Journey.  The Mirror Work allows you to transform your self-talk by openly stating your love for yourself.  For me it was hard.  I cried several times; several days.  Eventually, though, I could say these things without crying or wanting to look away.

Try it for yourself.

Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

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